Thursday 22 March 2012

Evaluation Questions
 This website holds all the information for our evaluation questions

Evaluation Question 1
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Saturday 3 March 2012

Film Ratings

BBFC guidelines state the ‘18’ rated movies contain frequent strong bloody violence and very strong language. The BBFC states how ‘The Human Rights Act 1988, at ‘18’ the BBFC’s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should be free to choose their own entertainment.’ Our film has very frequent bloody violence, a surgeon kills numerous amounts of people, during the title sequence we see parts of this being shown.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Individual Edit of Title Sequence 'Relapse'

Below is my individual edit for our Title Sequence 'Relapse'....

The feedback given on my individual edit consisted of many points in which to improve the piece to create an overall final piece for our group...

Research and Planning

In order to research and plan our title sequence we viewed many title sequences to interest and engage us in order to give us ideas in which would be presented in our final piece. We used a blocked plan and story board to visualise all our ideas, we done three drafts of a story board, placing ideas in different orders to see which one would fit into a perfect sequence, below is the final storyboard of our title sequence, with all notes and information to help us make each shot and film it.

Sunday 5 February 2012

'Se7en' Title Sequence Analysis

The Se7en title sequence is the title sequence which really helped influence our final piece. We used the themes and conventions produced by Se7en in order to produce a mysterious horror sequence. Se7en used many techniques in order to portray certain information and play around with the audiences minds.
In order to establish themes of the film such as horror and disgust sound was used gravely. The music being played really created an uncomfortable atmosphere, the dull heart wrenching music, screaming and screeching noises creates the idea that there are people dying, it establishes mood and atmosphere and to prepare the audience for the film ahead. More themes established in this sequence include; religion due to the word ‘GOD’ which was seen to be cut out of a paper towards the end of the sequence, crime/murder as there were frequent pictures of dead people with knives and sharp objects going through their head, revenge when we see the man’s face being crossed out makes it seem like he has done something wrong, and pain/pleasure which shows pain for the victim who is being killed or tortured and pleasure for the person who is committing these crimes. These conventions influenced us to use certain clips and to edit and tweak our piece to make it more mystifying.
Cinematography and editing were used to establish the plot. The slow motion movement suggests that it may be a slow plot, slow pain for the victim, and various faded flashes of images which create the idea that something is being hidden. In our title sequence we slowed down some clips to follow these conventions which Se7en established. It really brought out the ideas of our title sequence and allowed us to create a more interesting and mind puzzling sequence.
The use of mise-en-scene was used to show specific characters. During the sequence we see dirty fingers, chipped skin and nails, bandages round each finger and thimbles on fingers. These were all used to produce the ideas that the film held in place, such as death and pain. It allowed the audience to be physically chilled and also understand certain parts to the film even though the title sequence did not give a lot away in terms of why or how people are being killed.
Sound, cinematography and editing were used in order to illustrate genre. The gripping, screaming music demonstrates the horror/thriller movie, the editing used to show the cutting of faces and words as well as the fades and flashes helped to show horror along with the man’s face being cut out with the permanent marker. This helped us in our final sequence to use these ideas to also portray horror and grip the audience into the sequence.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Alien³ Title Sequence Analysis

‘Alien³’ a 20th century horror film about aliens uses many conventions to portray the film in various ways in order to indulge viewers into watching it. The title itself gives away the idea that the film is in fact about aliens and the numerous images of aliens during the sequence shown in frames 3, 4 and 7 helps to encourage the audience to develop ideas about the film, the images of aliens and people gives the idea that the film is about abduction of the earth and people. The clips of aliens and their fingers wrapping over the bodies of humans such as the young girl, woman and man shown in frames 2, 5 and 9 suggests that there are a range of aliens in the film, and the people may be a family as there is a young girl and two adults so the young girl could be the daughter of the husband and wife who have all been captured/abducted. In the sequence the people look to be in some sort of tube like container shown in frame 8, this gives the thought that the film is shot in a laboratory environment , however towards the middle of the sequence a woman begins to talk in a robotic tone, this suggests that maybe the film is partly shot in a spaceship, also towards the end of the clip part of the ‘spaceship’ hit earth and landed in the sea, this suggests that aliens are entering earth and possibly trying to take it over. The quick short clips and swift shots of aliens along with the loud ‘bang’, fire and the blood stain portrays the idea that the film is a horror or thriller engaging the interest of those who have like to have high adrenaline rushes. Very slow, shaky music throughout the sequence along with the occasional opera creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and the clips of aliens constructs a mysterious and somewhat strange mood. The long slimy alien fingers wrapping around the young girl produces the theme of death and abduction as well as creating threatening issues which intrigues audiences into watching the film to find out more. The title sequence of ‘Alien³’ creates many enigmas due to the people being captured in tube containers; one enigma created is why there are people in tube like containers? This goes on to producing more enigmas; are they dead? Who are they? Why are they being captured? What have they done? All of these enigmas help to make the film more interesting and mysterious therefore drawing the audience in and making them want to watch the rest of the film to gain answers from them.